
"Building Our Community Together: Join Our Committees"

Welcome to the heart of our community, where neighbors become friends, ideas take shape, and actions create lasting impact. At Magnolia Acres, we believe that a vibrant and thriving neighborhood is built by the collective efforts of its residents. That’s where our committees come in.

This page is your gateway to discovering how you can play an essential role in shaping the future of Magnolia Acres. Here, you’ll find information about two of our key committees: the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) and the Social Committee. But it’s more than just information; it’s an invitation to become an active part of our community’s journey.

Join us in making Magnolia Acres an even better place to call home. Let’s work together, inspire each other, and create a neighborhood we can all be proud of. Explore the possibilities, and consider how your unique talents and passions can contribute to the collective spirit of Magnolia Acres. Together, we build something beautiful.


The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) is more than just a regulatory body; it’s a guardian of Magnolia Acres’ character and charm. In a community where every home contributes to our unique aesthetics and property values, the ARC plays a pivotal role in preserving what makes us special.

Why Does the ARC Exist?

Preserving Aesthetics: The ARC ensures that any property modifications align with our established guidelines. This isn’t about stifling creativity; it’s about maintaining the harmonious visual appeal that sets Magnolia Acres apart.

Protecting Property Values: Your home is more than just a dwelling; it’s an investment. By upholding our standards, the ARC helps protect property values, ensuring that your investment remains secure.

Why It’s Vital for Our Neighborhood:

Unity in Design: Consistency in design fosters a sense of unity and identity. It’s what makes every corner of Magnolia Acres feel like home.

Enhanced Appeal: Our well-maintained aesthetics make our neighborhood more appealing, not just to current residents but also to potential buyers.

Strengthened Community: Joining the ARC isn’t just about rules; it’s about community involvement. You become a steward of our shared vision, contributing to the neighborhood’s overall success.

**Join the ARC and Shape the Soul of Magnolia Acres!**

The Architectural Review Committee (ARC) stands as the guardian of Magnolia Acres’ distinctive character, and we invite you to be a part of this transformative journey. But here’s the unique twist—membership in the ARC is an exclusive opportunity available to Magnolia Acres Board members. If you’re passionate about preserving our community’s charm and aesthetics, and you’re already on the Magnolia Acres Board, this is your chance to step into a pivotal role. By joining the ARC, you not only contribute to the visual harmony of our neighborhood but also become a key player in shaping the unique identity that makes Magnolia Acres a place like no other. Take the next step in community leadership by becoming a member of the Magnolia Acres Board and, subsequently, the ARC. Let’s continue to elevate the essence of Magnolia Acres together, ensuring our community remains a testament to beauty, unity, and enduring value. Your unique perspective and passion are invaluable – join us on this extraordinary journey!


The Social Committee is all about creating memorable experiences that bring our community closer together. From movie nights under the stars to food truck events and more, we strive to make Magnolia Acres a place where neighbors become friends.

Why Join:

Joining the Social Committee means being a part of the team that brings joy and camaraderie to our community. It’s an opportunity to help create events that make life here even more enjoyable and to forge lasting connections with your neighbors.

In conclusion, by participating in our Social and ARC Committees, you become an integral part of the Magnolia Acres community. Whether you’re passionate about maintaining our aesthetic charm or creating fun, engaging events, your involvement enhances the unique spirit of our neighborhood. Let’s make Magnolia Acres an even better place to call home together! Join us today and be a part of the positive change happening right here in our community.

***How to Get Involved?***

Ready to take an active role in shaping the Magnolia Acres experience? Joining either committee is easy! Simply reach out to the HOA Board of Directors, and they will connect you with the right people to get started.